CTA presents its technology transfer activity at the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week

The CTA’s Chief Technology Officer, Fabián Varas, participated today at the EU’s Knowledge Valorisation Week to present the CTA’s activity in support of technology transfer and R&D promotion.

The conference, organised online by the European Commission (EC), showcased good practices and examples of policies and tools to promote the transfer of research results for a resilient and sustainable Europe.

CTA offers private funding of business R&D and innovation projects involving research groups from universities and public centres, as well as a portfolio of advanced innovation support services for companies, universities and research organisations and public administration.

In its 16 years of existence, CTA has already mobilised more than 540 million euros of private investment in business innovation in Andalusia, having financed 739 business R&D&I projects with more than 177 million euros in incentives. In addition, 358 research groups from Andalusian universities and public centres have been subcontracted, with a budget of more than 95 million euros.

Thanks to this activity, CTA has recently been included in the Knowledge Valorisation Platform as a success story in technology transfer.

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