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CTA presents the results of the ExCornsEED project at the International Conference for Bioresource Technology

The Innovation Consultant of CTA, Marta Macías, has participated as speaker at the 3rd International Conference for Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability (Biorestec) organised by Elsevier between the 17th and 19th of May.

This online conference has reunited researchers, from the Academia and the industry, and political leaders to discuss about the latest trends in biotechnology, bioenergy and bioproducts. The challenges and opportunities in the recovery and recycling of bio-based products, waste treatment, bio-based chemical production and biorefineries have been some of the topics debated.

The Innovation Consultat from CTA has presented the latest developments of the European project EXCornsEED, an initiative funded by Bio-Based Industries Consortium (BBI-JU) under the Horizon 2020 (H2020) programme of the European Union.  

EXCornsEED reunites 13 partners, CTA among them, from 8 European countries with the objective of developing sustainable technologies that allow to obtain functional constituents to food, chemical products and cosmetics from secondary effluents of corn biorefineries, bioethanol and biodiesel.

This project is framed within the European objective of transforming the traditional bioethanol production into a new concept of more sustainable biorefinery, accordingly to the bioeconomic strategy of the European Union and aligned with the new concept of Circular Economy.

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