AeroSTREAM seeks to improve the quality of innovation management and technology transfer from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

The AeroSTREAM European project has just started with the aim of valuing the results of the AeroTwin European project and expanding them to a network of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to enlarge capacity for research and innovation, and to prepare and establish a long lasting and integrated cooperation between those institutions and their partners in the local ecosystem, which translates into a greater number of joint research initiatives within the framework of the European Union.​

The University of Seville, CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia), Flying Robotic Solutions S.L. and the Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC) are the Spanish entities that are part of this European consortium that, for 36 months, will work to improve the training of entities from Eastern countries, promote joint doctorates of young European researchers and promote new research projects.

AeroSTREAM (Strengthening Research and Innovation Excellence in Autonomous Aerial Systems) aims to achieve lasting and integrated cooperation between institutions in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with the rest of the partners in Spain, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. The scope of action will be established in the field of autonomous aerial systems (UAS) applications, with specific applications for smart agriculture, forestry and logistics.

Furthermore, this European project will promote the improvement of the quality of innovation management, collaboration between researchers, technology transfer and citizen participation of HEIs from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in addition to increasing the profiles of scientific excellence of these educational institutions.

About the project

AeroSTREAM has received funding from the Horizon Europe program and includes 14 European entities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Spain, Netherlands and Czechia. The following entities participate in the AeroSTREAM consortium:

  • Sveuciliste U Zagrebu Fakultet Elektrotehnike I Racunarstva (FER) – (Coordinator) 
  • Univerzitet U Sarajevu (UNISA)
  • Fundación Andaluza para el desarrollo Aeroespacial (CATEC)
  • Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía​ (CTA)
  • Sveuciliste U Zagrebu, Fakultet Strojarstva I Brodogradnje (FSB)
  • Inovacijski Centar Nikola Tesla​ (INCENT)
  • Protostar Labs (PRL)
  • Sveuciliste U Zagrebu Fakultet Prometnih Znanosti (FTTS)
  • Stichting Saxion (SAX)
  • Fly4Future S.R.O.​​ (F4F)
  • Flying Robotic Solutions Sociedad Limitada​​ (FRS)
  • Universidad de Sevilla (USE)
  • Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze​​ (CTU)
  • Universiteit Twente​ (UT)

The AeroSTREAM project has received funding from the European Union Horizon Europe Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No. 101071270.

AeroTwin European project

The European project AeRoTwin, completed in May this year and of which AeroSTREAM is a continuation, has promoted excellence in Aerial Robotics among the project partners with greater research and transfer capabilities and the Zagreb University Robotics Laboratory (LARIC).

In addition, AeRoTwin has managed to establish a stable cooperation between the University of Zagreb, CTA and the main European references in aerial robotics (University of Seville and Imperial College London) and, in this way, contribute to European cohesion through research and technology transfer.

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